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您的当前位置: 首页>新闻动态>常见问题雕塑制作商是如何制作不锈钢雕塑的?


发布日期: 2019-10-15 来源:http://www.mmyljg.com 点击:0 发布人:admin

  在我们的生活中,我们可以看到很多不锈钢雕塑。 雕塑制造商如何制作不锈钢雕塑? 感兴趣的朋友来听听小编的介绍!

  In our life, we can see many stainless steel sculptures. How do sculpture manufacturers make stainless steel sculptures? Interested friends to listen to Xiaobian's introduction!
  不锈钢雕塑:不锈钢被称为不锈钢。 它由不锈钢和耐酸钢组成。 简而言之,抗大气腐蚀的钢称为不锈钢,而抗化学腐蚀的钢称为耐酸钢。 由于不锈钢具有许多优点,许多城市雕塑都将其用作材料。 不锈钢要求雕塑本身要简单典雅,具有鲜明的形式感,并且光影效果要强,并且颜色选择性大。 不锈钢的表面效果是彩绘的,有彩色不锈钢,拉丝不锈钢,高光不锈钢效果。
  Stainless steel sculpture: Stainless steel is called stainless steel. It consists of stainless steel and acid-resistant steel. In short, the steel resistant to atmospheric corrosion is called stainless steel, while the steel resistant to chemical corrosion is called acid resistant steel. Because stainless steel has many advantages, many city sculptures use it as a material. Stainless steel requires the sculpture itself to be simple and elegant, with a distinct sense of form, strong light and shadow effect, and the most selective color. The surface effect of stainless steel is painted with colored stainless steel, wire drawing stainless steel and highlight stainless steel.
  近年来,大型环境艺术的急剧增长导致人们对艺术在人类社会中的基本作用的认识不断提高。 历史上从未有过像今天这样的时期,如此大的艺术品出现在城市生活空间中。 在建筑物的内部和外部,街道,走廊或楼梯,绿树成荫的道路和购物中心,花园以及建筑物的拐角处或广场上,都可以看到艺术视觉不锈钢雕塑的存在。
  In recent years, the rapid growth of large-scale environmental art has led to the continuous improvement of people's understanding of the basic role of art in human society. Never before in history has such a large number of works of art appeared in urban living space. Art visual stainless steel sculptures can be seen in the interior and exterior of buildings, streets, corridors or staircases, tree-lined roads and shopping malls, gardens and corner or square on the top floor of buildings.
  使用不锈钢来呈现艺术雕塑的形状是现代雕塑的。 由于其强烈的金属光泽和光滑的质地,不锈钢在现代雕塑概念中非常受欢迎,但由于其金属性和难度,不锈钢雕塑的成本也是雕塑中昂贵的材料之一,如何 促进和发扬现代不锈钢雕塑是金世纪不锈钢雕塑制造商一直研究的课题之一。 在现有技能下,好的压缩方法是的生产团队和节约意识。
  The use of stainless steel to present the shape of artistic sculpture is the first choice of modern sculpture. Because of its strong metallic luster and smooth texture, stainless steel is very popular in the concept of modern sculpture, but because of its metallicity and difficulty, the cost of stainless steel sculpture is also one of the most expensive materials in sculpture. How to promote and develop modern stainless steel sculpture is one of the topics that the stainless steel sculpture manufacturers in the golden century have been studying. Under the existing skills, the best compression method is efficient production team and economy consciousness.


