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您的当前位置: 首页>新闻动态>公司动态人物雕塑的种类有哪些?


发布日期: 2019-10-10 来源: 点击:0 发布人:admin

  人物雕塑有哪些品种? 在生动活泼的人物雕塑创作中,城市雕塑决策小组和城市雕塑艺术委员会于1980年代初成立,负责城市雕塑的决策,准备,和解和创作。 我国人物雕塑的创作进入了一个新的发展时代。 那么角色雕塑有哪些品种?

  What kinds of character sculptures are there? In the most vivid sculpture creation, the National Urban Sculpture Decision Group and the National Urban Sculpture Art Committee were established in the early 1980s to take charge of the decision-making, preparation, reconciliation and creation of the national urban sculpture. The creation of figure sculpture in China has entered a new era of development. So what kinds of character sculpture are there?
  First, according to the content of the sculpture
  1.儿童雕塑:以儿童为雕刻对象,必须有石雕和青铜雕两种。 常用于表达一种纯真,童趣,常用于公园,游乐场和城市景观雕塑中。
  1. Children's sculpture: To carve children, there must be two kinds of stone carving and bronze carving. Usually used to express a kind of innocence, childlike interest, often used in parks, playgrounds and urban landscape sculpture.
  2,绅士雕塑:以国内外伟大绅士为宗旨的雕塑,如毛主席,邓小平,爱因斯坦等。 它是纪念雕塑,是对先生们的一种希望和记忆。
  2. Gentlemen Sculpture: Sculptures aiming at great gentlemen at home and abroad, such as Chairman Mao, Deng Xiaoping, Einstein, etc. It is a commemorative sculpture, a hope and memory for gentlemen.
  3. Ancient figure sculpture: This kind of one-sided sculpture is aimed at ancient characters, and is generally used in urban landscape sculpture, reflecting social livelihood and showing some positive feelings.
  4. Western figure sculpture: This kind of unilateral sculpture is closely related to artistic figure sculpture. It is usually used to express artists'aesthetic, emotional and ideal art.
  5. Gentlemen sculpture: Gentlemen sculpture is popular with the public because of its outstanding character image and lofty energy. It is influenced by the number of international gentlemen and has great influence in different countries and regions.
  6. Religious figure sculpture: Religious figure mainly consists of stone horn, Islamic and missionary church figures, such as Zeus sculpture, Guanyin sculpture, saint sculpture and Rulai sculpture.
  7.空雕塑:空雕塑是由真实的人和真实的事物创建的虚拟样式。 空的雕塑表达了作者对社会和人民的理解和表达。
  7. Empty sculpture: Empty sculpture is a virtual style created by real people and real things. Empty sculptures express the author's understanding and expression of society and people.
  8. Memorial figure sculpture: Memorial figure sculpture is mainly composed of people who contribute to the country, mainly for urban construction, housing development and other public places.
  9.佛像雕像:佛像雕像主要基于对和古代印度人的解释。 它们主要用于家庭崇拜,公司崇拜和城市建设。
  9. Buddha statues: Buddha statues are mainly based on the interpretation of China and ancient Indians. They are mainly used for family worship, corporate worship and urban construction.
  10. Subjective persona sculpture: Theme persona sculpture is mainly used in the construction of urban parks and gardens, its theme is bright and very popular among the public.
  11.装饰人物雕塑:装饰人物雕塑(例如名称)是具有装饰效果的雕塑。 它通常用于公共场所,例如公司,饭店和房屋。
  11. Decorative figure sculpture: Decorative figure sculpture (such as name) is a sculpture with decorative effect. It is usually used in public places, such as companies, hotels and houses.
  Secondly, according to the materials used in sculpture, it can be divided into stone sculpture and bronze sculpture.
  Third, follow the use restrictions of sculpture: Memorial figure sculpture, subjective figure sculpture, decorative figure sculpture and so on.


