

公司: 山东绵邈园林景观工程有限公司


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发布日期: 2020-03-03 来源: 点击:0 发布人:admin


  People often come into contact with photos, no matter how beautiful they are, they are nothing more than the charm of light and shadow. Similarly, fiberglass sculpture is also a material experience. The difference is that fiberglass sculpture is an artistic effect of touch and vision. It's something that can be touched.
  FRP sculpture art
  How to embody the materiality of glass fiber sculpture
  The materiality of sculpture is perhaps its most resonant aspect: the mystery of physics. We can feel the emission of this mysterious power in the earliest sculptures, which ferment in the corrosion of form, material and time, such as Egyptian sculptures and Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Perhaps these sculptures are enduring because they carry the weight of time, so they can transcend time, or, better yet, time deprives them of all their weight and transforms their bodies into spirits. This way of looking at things is full of memories. The latest discovery comes from an old myth. What impresses us is a reality more deeply rooted than reality.
  II. How to embody the aesthetic feeling of fiberglass sculpture
  Good fiberglass sculpture design must be beautiful, and the form must be beautiful, so that it can be recognized by most groups. People are open-minded and fast-paced. They like new things, pursue new life and accept new culture. Therefore, they like literature works with fast rhythm, strong stimulation and high emotion.
  When it comes to beauty, if modern people see something beautiful, their mood will be very happy, and everything contains and presents a wide range of meaning. The beauty of the external form, the expression of the internal spiritual level, or the appropriate reflection of the society at that time, or the visual impact on the viewer. These can be said to be "beauty" in sculpture.
  On the beauty of fiberglass sculpture. Different people have different views on beauty. Some sculptures in different people's eyes, different educational backgrounds, different cultural backgrounds, people's understanding of sculpture is naturally different.
  Therefore, in order to show the beauty of sculpture, designers and customers need to communicate. Good designers use their own eyes to see what others see, and find and discover beauty in the power that others are familiar with.
  Fiberglass sculpture breaks through the limitation of traditional museum. It is a collection of traditional sculptures with strong plasticity.


