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发布日期: 2018-12-25 来源: 点击:0 发布人:admin


The Role of Landscape Sculpture in the High Condensation of Culture
The future of landscape sculpture must lie in the induction of urban areas. The focus of large-scale community building has shifted to the attention of people and the cultivation of human body civilization. Sculpture, as a highly condensed product of civilization, will certainly play an increasingly important role.
Jiajing attaches great importance to the implementation of landscape sculpture in cities, especially in large communities. As people's demand for real estate is increasing, the community building in many advanced cities in China used to take humanism philosophy as the guiding ideology and harmony between people and ecology as the foundation of the design concept. Such a community is in great need of the finishing touch of sculpture, which shows people's pursuit of neighboring scenery.
Among many sculpture works, especially the vivid figure sculpture and plant sculpture can more vividly express the humanistic environment of the community. Because of their vivid sculptor's sculpture, the meaning of life is more and more strengthened, and their interest in life is more and more intense.
泥塑艺术是我国一种陈旧罕见的艺术。它以泥土爲原料,以手工捏制成形。或素或彩,以人物、植物爲主。 我国泥塑艺术可上溯到距今4千1万年前的新石器时期。史前文明地下考古就有多处发现。浙江河姆渡文明遗址出土的陶猪、陶羊工夫约爲6千7千年前左右;可以确认是人类晚期手工捏制的艺术品。 自新石器时代之后,泥塑艺术不断没有连续,开展到汉代已成爲重要的艺术种类。考古任务者从两汉墓葬中开掘了少量的文物,其中无为数众多的陶俑、陶兽、陶马车、陶船等等。其中有手捏的,也有模制的。汉代先民以为亡灵如人生在世,异样有物质生活的需求。因而丧葬风俗中需求少量的陪葬品,这在客观上爲泥塑的开展和演化起了推进作用。 两汉当前,随着道教的衰亡和佛教的传入,以及多神化的奉祀活动,社会上的道观、佛寺、庙堂衰亡,间接促进了泥塑偶像的需求和泥塑艺术的开展。
Clay sculpture is an old and rare official art in China. It takes clay as raw material and is manually kneaded. Or vegetable or color, mainly with characters and plants. The art of clay sculpture in China can be traced back to the Neolithic Age between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago. Underground Archaeology of prehistoric civilization has been found in many places. The pig and pottery sheep unearthed from the ruins of the Hemudu Site civilization in Zhejiang were about 6 thousand to 7 thousand years ago; they could be recognized as works of art that were later made by humans. Since the Neolithic Age, Chinese clay sculpture art has not been continuous, and it has become an important art category in the Han Dynasty. The archaeologists excavated a small number of cultural relics from the tombs of the Han Dynasty, among which there were no numerous terracotta figures, pottery beasts, pottery carriages, pottery boats and so on. Some of them are hand-held and some are moulded. The ancestors of the Han Dynasty thought that the dead were living like human beings, and there was a special need for material life. Therefore, the funeral custom needs a small amount of funeral objects, which objectively promotes the development and evolution of clay sculptures. At present, with the decline of Taoism and the introduction of Buddhism, as well as the polytheistic worship activities, the decline of Taoism, Buddhist temples and temples in society indirectly promoted the demand for clay idols and the development of clay sculpture art.
In summary, all the above-mentioned Shandong Mianmiao Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd. provides, want to know more about Shandong landscape sculpture knowledge, welcome to pay attention to our website: Thank you for your support!


