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发布日期: 2019-01-14 来源: 点击:0 发布人:admin


Landscape Sculpture Lantern Design Necessary Knowledge
In the daytime, the garden lamp is a decorative effect of the construction, in the combination of topography, road, green, can form a very beautiful and moving landscape. At night, the role of garden lanterns is multifaceted:
Arrangement along the garden road, according to the characteristics of the gardens and traffic requirements, choose the pillar lamp (garden lamp, road lamp) or lawn lamp with characteristic shape and good lighting effect. When positioning, we should consider not only the lighting effect at night, but also the landscape sculpture in daytime, which will be arranged along the road. Ordinary pillar lamp adheres to the distance of 25-30 meters and lawn lamp 6-10 meters, which has intense orientation.
Fountain pools, statues, entrances, squares, flower beds, pavilions, pavilions and other parts, key lighting, to create different environmental atmosphere, constitute the low tide of the night scene. Landscape square space often has enough height and illumination, strong decorative pillar lights, buriable lights in the square sky, small spotlights embedded under trees; entrance, statues, pavilions and pavilions in addition to the "colorful lights", but also often with large spotlights, playgrounds, shopping malls to attract customers with neon lights; water fountains have public underwater lights; Classical Garden Palace lights, walking lights, Kong Ming Lamps, stone lanterns, etc. One part is fixed equipment, the other part is temporary equipment for holidays, to achieve the effect of colorful, paper drunk. In the design of garden power supply network, wiring points should be reserved and power consumption should be reserved.
In addition to the lights on "dot" and "line", in order to meet the needs of visitors'rest and management, the green space should adhere to a certain illumination everywhere, which is the lighting on "face". The spacing varies with the rugged terrain and the dense and cheerful trees. As an estimate of approximately one lamp per mu of land, the dim illumination can reach about one fifth of the road.
Choose the garden lamp, in the important and near-sighted place, the shape can be slightly complex and magnificent, and improve brightness and momentum with multiple combination lamp holders; on the "surface", the shape should be simple and petty, the light distribution curve is reasonable, in order to invent a resting environment and strive for efficiency. Ordinary garden pillar lamp 3-5 meters high, is in the space above ordinary shrubs and under trees. Plaza, entrance and other places can be slightly higher, 7-11 meters. Foot lamp type (lawn lamp, flower bed lamp) is not dazzling and has good illumination effect, but it is easy to damage. It is mostly used in the blockade space of public green space and public green space such as hotel real estate development. Its lamp design simulates nature, and also has simple and general ancient shape.
The structure of ordinary garden pillar lamp consists of lamp head, lamp stem and lamp holder. The beauty of garden lamp modelling is also expressed by the three local proportions, color harmony and creativity. In the past, the lines were often more complex and delicate, but now they emphasize simplicity, pettiness, overall beauty, and harmony with the environment.
Lamp holder. The lower part of the lamp trunk connects the base of the garden lamp. The underground cable often passes through the base and connects to the terminal box of the lamp holder, then rises to the lamp head along the lamp post. When a single lamp holder is used, the lamp holder usually has to reserve a 20 *15 cm junction box position. Therefore, the cross section of the lamp holder is often larger, and the shape of the lamp holder is more stable because it is close to the air.
The lamp post. In the upper section of the lamp stem, various materials such as reinforced concrete, cast iron pipe, steel pipe, stainless steel, FRP and so on can be selected. The middle part runs through the wires, and the surface is processed into various patterns of wire feet, and there are also unequal cross-sections from top to bottom.
Lamp holder. The lamp cap concentrates on the appearance and light color of the garden lamp. It has single lamp cap, multiple lamp caps, regular, natural and various shapes, and various bulbs. When choosing, we should pay attention to the actual lighting effect, waterproof and dust-proof, and the type and color of lamp head should meet the overall design requirements. At present, there are many kinds of garden pillar lamp and lawn lamp for lighting factory consumption. The self-designed lamp head should consider the limitation of processing quantity and the matching of parts needed for future maintenance.
The control of the garden lamp is consistent with the whole garden, and the area is large enough to be controlled by segments. The street lamp is often interspersed with 2-3 dividend-sharing control. The control room can be located in office (tool) room, or in the garden gate duty room, according to the gardening system and requirements.
In summary, all the above-mentioned Shandong Mianmiao Landscape Sculpture Engineering Co., Ltd. provides, want to know more about Shandong landscape sculpture knowledge, welcome to pay attention to our website: Thank you for your support!


