

公司: 山东绵邈园林景观工程有限公司


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发布日期: 2019-12-24 来源:http://www.mmyljg.com 点击:0 发布人:admin


  I believe that many people are curious, because now we can see glass steel sculptures everywhere in the market, no matter in urban construction and environmental beautification, more glass steel sculptures are used, what's the reason for changing this situation? In fact, it's because the sculpture made of glass fiber reinforced plastic materials, whose weight is more portable than the traditional stone or bronze sculpture, can let us FRP sculpture, which has the advantages of corrosion resistance, will reduce the storage cost of many sculptures, even lower than the production cost of sculpture. There is no doubt that fiberglass sculpture is very popular in the market, but people want to know why this type of sculpture can be used in any environment.
  If you want to understand why fiberglass sculpture can be used in any environment, you must understand what is the shaping factor? First of all, it must have a series of processes, such as raw materials and processes, and painting. Before the formal start of sculpture production, you must make clear the specific materials that need to be made of the mud for the products, which can be used to determine the final effect of sculpture made of fiberglass materials What we need to do next is to make the plaster mold, and the inner glass fiber reinforced plastic coating outer mold, such as opening the outer film after drying, and then through clamping to complete the finished products carved with glass fiber reinforced plastic.
  Glass fiber reinforced plastic, therefore, it can flexibly design various structural products according to people's actual needs, so it can meet people's use needs, and at the same time, it can fully select materials to meet product performance, such as glass fiber reinforced plastic sculpture, which has strong corrosion resistance. The production process is very simple, and it can even do modeling, with outstanding economic effects, especially for that Some works with complex shapes and difficult to form will have more technological advantages, so our FRP sculpture crafts are very suitable for the environment.


