

公司: 山东绵邈园林景观工程有限公司


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发布日期: 2019-06-24 来源: 点击:0 发布人:admin


Landscape sculpture has always been the key content of art landscape design. With the continuous improvement of people's requirements for the quality of life, landscape sculpture in art landscape design, as an important part of art landscape design, has developed rapidly with the progress of the times. In modern landscape design, the art landscape sculpture design has become the focus of highlighting the artistic atmosphere of the garden and setting off the overall atmosphere of the garden, which is loved and valued by the artistic landscape designers.
1. Concept of Landscape Design
Landscape design is the optimization and rebuilding of landscape through artistic treatment while people understand nature. Modern landscape design should not only consider its application value, but also conform to the principles of ecology and aesthetics. Through the virtual transformation of the surrounding environment elements in landscape design, man-made gardens can be integrated with the surrounding environment, and the harmony between architectural gardens and natural environment can be improved, so as to improve the comfort, artistic value and practicability of architecture and gardens. Modern landscape design includes landscape sculpture design, residential area planning, urban park design, urban square, pedestrian street design, swimming and leisure design, national park design and so on.
2. Concept of landscape sculpture design
Landscape sculpture design is an important part of artistic landscape design. Many famous gardens in China are inseparable from the design of landscape sculpture. Landscape sculpture, as the core content that can influence the whole art landscape design, has become the design theme of many art landscape, and has become the landmark building of the region. Although landscape sculpture design serves for artistic landscape design, it is easy to become the symbol and carrier of regional environment because of its outstanding expressive power and strong visual impact in artistic landscape. Therefore, the design of landscape sculpture is not only an important part of art landscape design, but also greatly promotes the development of art landscape design.
This article is written by Shandong Landscape Sculpture Company. For more products and more details, please pay attention to our official website:! Your patronage is a great support to us.


