

公司: 山东绵邈园林景观工程有限公司


手 机: 18354188859



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发布日期: 2020-07-28 来源: 点击:0 发布人:admin


When the landscape sculpture is installed in the environment, the whole landscape sculpture project is completed. Good landscape sculpture works need good engineering quality to present perfectly. As a subsystem of landscape sculpture design system engineering, the installation stage also plays a key role in the success or failure of the works. So what should be paid attention to when installing landscape sculpture? The following is a brief introduction of Shandong landscape sculpture:
(1) Construction personnel management
Firstly, the construction personnel meeting is held to draw up the construction plan and clarify the construction objectives and tasks; secondly, find out the construction difficulties and take targeted measures through the discussion of various personnel; thirdly, establish the responsibility system to improve the sense of responsibility of the construction personnel, cultivate the professionalism and meticulous work style of the construction personnel, so as to reduce the occurrence of construction problems.
(2) Construction technology management
In the process of landscape sculpture installation, the internal structure of sculpture is the core of sculpture installation process. Due to the lack of standardization of sculpture construction industry, many sculptures rely on experience to build their internal structures. In the later stage, serious problems such as collapse of sculptures and failure to join occurred, resulting in great waste and loss of resources. In order to minimize unnecessary losses caused by technical errors,
First of all, the detailed design drawings are drawn, and then the construction personnel carry out accurate and strict construction according to the drawings, so as to minimize the error; Secondly, in the construction site, the sculptor should carry out strict technical disclosure to the construction personnel, seriously implement each process step, so that the construction personnel can fully understand the design intent, so as to reduce the probability of technical errors and ensure the cost control;
Thirdly, the sculptor should supervise the construction site in order to find and correct the problems in time, so as to ensure the quality and progress control. Through the above ways, reasonable division of labor and collaborative management of the installation and construction process is carried out to minimize the probability of construction problems, so as to ensure the smooth completion of the project and achieve the goal of landscape sculpture construction with good quality, high efficiency and low consumption as far as possible.
As an important part of public art, landscape sculpture design itself is a complex system. It is necessary to have a clear and logical system thinking to guide the landscape sculpture design


